martes, 14 de junio de 2011


 Our opinion is: that the world is important & we need to take care because the global warming can make the poles melt and the water increases & the islands can disappear and some beach also so HELP the WORLD ! ! ! >.<

Micropayment Donations

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An interesting data

Close to 30% of Mexico (55.3 million hectares) is covered by diverse types of forests, most of which run down the Mexican Pacific Slope and are one of the Planet's main sources of biodiversity.

Mexico is home to 50% of all known pine species, but it also harbours a remarkable 135 species of oak (compared to 87 found in United States and Canada together). Mexico's dry forests run from Southern Sonora to Chiapas and represents the largest extend of tropical dry forest north to the equator.   

Mexico forest's

... some examples.
This site is intended to disclose Mexico Forest's biodiversity through photo galleries. Please feel free to view each gallerie, & if you want some picture in an extra size, don't hesitate in contracting us.
       If you also want to donate, you can also do so through paypal, so we can continue improving our st uff to upload better picturies.
      We have a new donation system, through micropayments using you cell phone. Please read more about this new system in the micropayments donation article.